Updated COVID & Flu Vaccines Are Available
- Updated COVID (Moderna, Pfizer and Novavax) and flu vaccines are in pharmacies and doctor’s offices. We recommend checking on availability beforehand.
- Vaccine costs will be covered by individuals’ health insurance—we suggest checking in with local in-network pharmacies or your doctor to see if the vaccines are covered. People without insurance or who are underinsured can be vaccinated at no cost at a Pima County Health Department Clinic.
- CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID and flu vaccine. You can receive both at the same time. People who are 65 and older should get a second dose of the updated 2024-2025 COVID vaccine six months after receiving their first. People who are moderately to severely immunocompromised may be able to receive additional doses and should talk with their health care provider.
Tucson and Pima County
Eviction Prevention/Rental Assistance and Utility Relief Program
Pima County’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program is no longer accepting new applications.
Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) has launched the Arizona Rental Assistance program for eligible low-income seniors and families with children. This is not a Pima County program. For more information visit the DES portal at era.azdes.gov or 1 (833) 912-0878.
If you are facing eviction, please visit Emergency Eviction Legal Services or call (520) 724-3357. Our Emergency Eviction Legal Services team can connect eligible tenants with legal services, help litigants navigate the eviction process, and connect individuals with other resources like job assistance.
Good information about the many Partners with the Pima County CAA program
• Employment Help for those who have been laid off or lost job (Dislocated Worker): DW HOTLINE: 724-5735
• Rental, mortgage, utility assistance: CAA number 724-2667: Must call between 8:30-10:30 am M-F
Client needs to keep dialing until they get through.
When they get through, they can make an appointment to do an application.
This number is to make an appointment for help with rent or mortgage and utilities.
If the family is Covid-19 impacted and have made an application already, they can call 724-2505 to check on the status of their application or get information message. No applications taken at that number.
Arizona Department of Housing
(Eviction Prevention for rents, Save our home for mortgages) https://housing.az.gov/
TMA is a monthly alliance of Tucson ministries
Addressing a different topic each month, bringing in local expertise, and providing practical ways individuals and congregations can be part of the solution. We meet the second Tuesday of each month from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at GAP Ministries near Miracle Mile and Flowing Wells. Lunch is included for those who preregister. Cost is $10.
Pima County African American Caucus Meetings
Are open to all. Please join us every 3rd Saturday of each month at Grace Temple Baptist Church, 1019 E. 31st Street, Tucson, AZ at 10:00 a.m. The goal of the Pima Country African American Caucus is to increase engagement of African Americans and people of African descent in the political process through various avenues including organizing neighborhoods and running for office. It also serves as a voice within the Democratic Party to ensure the party remains active in our communities on local and state levels. For more information, please contact Caucus Chairperson Connie DeLarge, cydelarge@att.net.
I’m Not What It Says I Am
Helping Heterosexuals deal with HIV/AIDS meets every 2nd Thursdays at 3202 E. First Street, 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Please call Tina at (520) 302-9239 or Nika at (520) 278-9358 or go to www.facebook/I’mnotwhat.itsaysiam.”
Prayer Line:
Pastor Alma Jones is the founder and director of “Home Churches” for Christ Outreach Ministry. They meet through phone conferencing call. Visit their Website: homechurchesforchristoutreachministry.wordpress.com.
Dr./Pastor Alma Howard-Jones is a prayer moderator for Bible Way Ministries, located in Atlanta, GA. She co-hosts prayers for families every Saturday at 4:00 p.m. MST and leads prayer every Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. MST praying for “America, the nations and for the souls of men” and Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. MST Bible Revelation. The numbers for these prayer lines: 1- 605-475-3235 or 1-530-881-1042 access code 153465#. Land lines may be used for these long-distance calls; to avoid extra fees charged by cell phone carriers call 425-535-9152 and follow the prompts. There are openings for Christians who would like to moderate a 15 – 30 minutes phone conference call prayer line. Any questions, please call Pastor Alma at (520) 429-3806.
Radio Show:
KXCI 91.3 on your FM dial plays good Gospel music from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. every Sunday morning. They are asking churches and businesses to mail your letters of announcements directly to them and support with your prayers and financial donations. Please send all correspondence or donations to KXCI Community Radio, 220 South 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701 or call (520) 623.1000.
New Jerusalem MBC is in partnership with the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. They have a joint effort and commitment to feeding America one household, neighborhood and one community at a time. They offer food boxes every Friday from 9:00 am until 10:30 am. at New Jerusalem MBC is located at 1341 S. Tyndall Ave.
Bright Star Food Pantry
Every 3rd Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Rising Star MBC, 2800 E. 36th Street, Tucson, AZ. All are welcome!
FOOD BOXES: FREE from federal government
Includes milk, yogurt, cheese == These ingredients need to be refrigerated.
Other ingredients in the boxes do not need to be refrigerated.
Can be picked up From COMMUNITY WAREHOUSE on
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Pick up of 10 or more boxes please call ahead so they can prep your order.
Jerry: 520-704-4666
GAP Ministries Warehouse
8621 N. flowing Wells Rd., Suite 161
Driving Directions:
• Take Miracle Mile exit from I-10
• Go to intersection of Miracle Mile and Flowing Wells Rd.
• Turn right onto Flowing Wells Rd.
• Gap is south of Miracle Mile on Flowing Wells Rd.
• Small sign. But GAP Warehouse is in large warehouse park set back from Flowing Wells Rd.
No public bus lines to the warehouse.
Senior Lunch Grab and Go Programs
All community and senior centers in the City of Tucson and Pima County:
Ajo Community Center
590 E 5th St.
Ajo, AZ 85321
(520) 387-6641
Casa Community Center/Green Valley
780 S Park Center Ave
Green Valley, AZ 85629
(520) 393-6814
El Pueblo Center
101 W Irvington Rd
Tucson, AZ 85714
(520) 791-5155
Ellie Towne Center
1600 W Ruthrauff Rd
Tucson, AZ 85705
El Dorado Center/TMC for seniors
1400 N Wilmot Rd
Tucson, AZ 85712
Quincie Douglas Center
1575 E 36th St
Tucson, AZ 85713
Archer Community Center
1665 S La Cholla
(520) 7914353
Armory Park Center
220 S 5th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 791-4865
Clements Center
8155 E Poinciana Dr
Tucson, AZ 85730
(520) 791-4730
Donna R Liggens Center
2160 N 6th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85705
(520) 791-3247
El Rio Center
1390 W Speedway
Tucson, AZ 85745
(520) 791-4683
Freedom Park Center
5000 E 29th St
Tucson, AZ 85711
(520) 791-2507