
Prince Chapel AME Church


Prince Chapel is the second oldest Black church and the only African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church in Tucson. It was founded in 1905. Reverend Ratcliff Hughes was the first pastor.  Reverend Gerald P. Richard II, Esq. is the current pastor.

[Read] History of the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church


We believe in The Apostles Creed:

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried.The third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Church Universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

Reverend Gerald P. Richard II, Esq.

Reverend George Priest

Reverend Hue Barrett
Retired Reverend Delman Howard
Retired Reverend Dr. Gloria Barrett


• SUNDAY WORSHIP is at 10:00 am
• PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm  via Zoom. 

Rev. Gerald P. Richard II, Esq.

Reverend Gerald P. Richard II, Esq. serves as pastor of Prince Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Tucson, Arizona. He has served Murph Community African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Phoenix, Arizona. He has served as pastor of Harbert Chapel AME in Flagstaff, Arizona for 4 ½ years and Murph Community AME Church in Phoenix, Arizona for 3 years. He served as the chair of the Legal Ministry and State of the Country Committee from 2015-2019 for the A.M.E. 5th District Annual Conferences. He is a former member of the 5th District’s Judicial Committee and sexual misconduct instructor for the Women Missionary Society for the District. Currently, he serves as chair of the Arizona-New Mexico District’s Judicial Committee. He is on the boards of the Arizona Faith Network and Community Legal Services. He serves on the Governor’s Arizona Census Community Based Organizations Subcommittee as well as the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office Community Advisory Board. Recently, he has been consulting for organizations, such as the Flagstaff Southside Community Association on issues involving Social and Criminal Justice.

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Rev. George Priest

Reverend George Priest serves as associate minister of Prince Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Tucson, Arizona.  Reverend George Priest grew up in Decatur, Alabama. He is a graduate of Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Alabama, and received a bachelor’s degree in Management. He was the first Marine Officer commissioned at the school. He received a master’s degree from Abilene Christian University in Dallas in Human Relations & Business Administration, and a Master of Business Administration from Amber University in Dallas, Texas.

He is a veteran of Viet Nam and “Operation Desert Storm”. While in the Marine Corps he served as an Infantry Officer, Weapons Platoon Commander, Weapons Section Leader, Artillery Forward Observer, Artillery Battery Administrator, Operations Officer, Reconnaissance Battalion Headquarters Commandant, Civil Affairs Officer, and Civil Affairs Team Leader. He also served as the Commanding officer of the Marine Corps Mobilization Station, Miramar Air Station, San Diego, CA.  He retired as a reserve Marine officer at the rank of  Colonel after 30 years of honorable service..

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Pastor Delman Howard

Pastor Delman Howard was born and educated in Elgin, Illinois where he received his early education. He is a graduate of Elgin High School where he was an outstanding athlete. He continued his education and received his BS degree in Religion from the University of LaVerne (La Verne, CA), Master’s Degree in Theology from Bethel Theological Seminary (San Diego, CA) and continuing education at Ileff School of Theology (Denver, CO). He entered the ministry in the Chicago African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Annual Conference where he was ordained as an Itinerate Deacon.

While attending Bethel AME Church San Diego, CA he was ordained an Itinerate Elder in the Southern California Conference. Pastor Howard pastored for over 47 years in four Annual Conferences within the Fifth Episcopal District of the AME Church until his recent retirement in October 2022. He served as the Presiding Elder of the Pacific NW conference. Pastor Howard served in the communities in many capacities including but not limited to: President, Interfaith Alliance, Fresno, CA, Board of Directors, Sickle Cell Foundation, Albuquerque, NM and the Housing Authority Governmental Appointment, State of New Mexico and was involved in the Human Trafficking Faith Coalition, part of Through Gods Grace Ministry, in Santa Ana, CA.

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Rev. Dr. Gloria J. Barrett

Reverend Dr. Gloria J. Barrett serves as retired itinerant elder at Prince Chapel AME Church, Tucson, AZ. She is a multiple best-selling author. Reverend Barrett facilitates weekly Zoom, Come to Jesus: A Bible Study for Transformation. Reverend Barrett holds a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Mary Hardin- Baylor, Belton TX; Master of Science degree in Nursing from Texas Woman’s University, Denton TX; Master of Divinity degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh PA and completed doctoral studies in Advanced Leadership at West Virginia University, Morgantown WV.

Reverend Dr. Barrett has spent a lifetime of service and leadership in hospitals, universities, seminary classrooms, county government, and congregations under her pastoral charge in Texas, West Virginia, Ohio, California, and Arizona. She has served in AME Women In Ministry at every level: Connectional, 2nd Vice President, Conference Coordinator, 3rd and 5th AME Districts, and Adviser. Barrett has served as instructor for the Conference Board of Examiners for Ministerial Study in West Virginia, Ohio, California, and Arizona.

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Rev. Hue Barrett

Reverend Hue Barrett serves as an associate minister of Prince Chapel AME Church in Tucson, AZ. Reverend Hue grew up in Temple, Texas. He attended West Virginia Northern Community College, Wheeling, WV and Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA. He studied computer science, communication and speech. Reverend Hue studies in Bible, Church Tradition, Administration, Preaching, Theology, Church History, Ministerial Ethics, Worship and Church Leadership prepared him to serve. Reverend Hue Barrett was the co-founder of two AME Churches in Antioch, CA and Tucson, AZ.

Reverend Hue served as chaplain for the Pima College football team in Tucson. He is known for affinity evangelism – sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through events that gather people around a common affinity. Affinity events are places where the unchurched are blessed and enjoy themselves. Reverend Hue is known as the “Mall Preacher” by those who seek prayer and the Word while walking.

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